Common myths and questions about Records Management

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Common myths and questions about Records Management

The need for keeping records is what inspired humanity to develop languages, numbers and symbols. So, it is safe to say that records management has been around for time immemorial. However, there are still many of us who have only a basic idea of what it actually is and how it can be implemented correctly in a business organization. Today I am going to tackle the most common myths and questions around Records Management and Electronic Records Management Systems.

I. All my records are already stored in files. What else do I have to do?

Filing or storing is just one step in Records Management. You also need to be able to retrieve, share, extract and utilize those records as and when required. They must be accessible, at the same time secure from prying eyes and free from errors or omissions. This can be done by laying down a robust Records Management Policy at the organization level and ensure participation from all stakeholders.

II. Records Management is not my primary activity. We will do it when we have the time.

This is a common oversight made by most organizations. Records have to be classified and stored immediately after their generation or immediately after their primary use has been fulfilled. As the saying goes – “Out of sight is out of mind”. Once a backlog of records starts piling up, it becomes increasingly difficult to correctly manage records. Again, a well-defined system with periodic reviews will ensure zero errors and delay in managing business records.

III. I have a small business. Records Management is for only big companies.

Even Reliance started as a small polyester firm in 1966; and they wish they had managed their records better from the beginning. A small business means it is simpler for you to establish proper systems and guidelines at an early stage, which will act as an enabler for greatness.

IV. Records Management tools are quite costly!

A proper Records Management System will result in huge savings in terms of records storage, safety and availability. The returns will not only be in terms of cost-savings, but also overall process improvements and efficiency among teams.

V. But what about security of my records? I do not want to share my information with anyone!

At FileFort, we believe in the confidentiality and criticality of your business information. We have strict protocols in place to ensure that no single piece of information is leaked or lost. Our processes are designed in a way to fix accountability at each stage and FileFort contains multiple layers of security inbuilt to protect against external attacks. We are professionals, just like Lawyers and Chartered Accountants, and your information is safer in our platform than in your devices.

VI. I have everything important in my email.

Emails are one of the least secure electronic communication methods available today. With constant spamming, ads and newsletters, our email accounts are brimming with unwanted junk which is difficult to sort and clean. Also, legacy data is often lost, when one member of the team leaves or is unavailable. Therefore, it becomes increasingly important to track email records and manage them through a proper tool.

VII. My records are electronic. Why not store everything and forever?

It is quite tempting to store each and every paper, email, text or post-it notes in an electronic records management system. With e-storage costs reducing day-by-day, why not save everything? And since there is no limit on the lifespan of electronic data, why shouldn’t I just save everything till perpetuity?

This is one of the most common myths in electronic records management. Although it is not in my personal interest, I would never recommend keeping records for periods longer than absolutely necessary. In a litigation or dispute scenario, having records older than necessitated by law often results in harm, embarrassment and even penalties.

VIII. My business generates a lot of paper records. Electronic records management is not for me.

For paper-intensive businesses, it is all the more important to move their legacy records to a digital format. This will eliminate the risk of loss and destruction of paper records in the event of a disaster. An electronic RMS will ensure less employee-time is wasted in retrieval of paper records and work can be completed smoothly.

IX. Implementing a records management system is hard and requires a lot of training.

At FileFort, our focus in developing our platform has always been simplicity. If we cannot explain anything to a child, we do not build it. After signing-up, it takes no more than 15 minutes to get started on FileFort and moving towards a digital office.

What are your most common queries on Records Management? Do let us know in the comments!

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